Friday, December 28, 2007

Twitter Karma Application

Want to manage your Twitter Karma helps manage your followers/followees easily

  • Flash application that grabs the lists of your followers and followees
  • Arranges your followers and followees, so you can see:
    • Who you are following that is following you (mutual friends)
    • Who you are following that isn't following you
    • Who is following you that you aren't following
    • Sort out those users who haven't posted in a specified timeframe
  • Uses the "Whack" button to retrieve the list you need
    •  Lets you quickly paginate through your lists
    •  By default it is sorted by last update, showing those who most recently updated first.
      • Can sort alphabetically by Twitter ID
      • Can view only followers, all friends or all followers, and mutual friends
  • Note: Twitter forced the programers to remove the mass unfollow for those that aren't follwing you (I still find it easy to use though on a good machine with a descent connection)